Thursday 24 November 2011

Exercise: Light through the day

The aim of this exercise is to look at the way a view changes as the sun moves and the light changes.  Again as this is November in England it is difficult to find a very clear day to undertake this exercise.  I decided to opt to take these images over a series of days during periods where the day is clearer. 

During the time these scenes were photographed, sunrise was approximately 7.40am and sunset 4pm.

There is some cloud cover in the images.

All images shot at aperture f/11 (unless stated) and ISO 200

 8am during the Golden Hour
The light has an orange/reddish hue to it.

9am after the Golden Hour
There is a yellow hue and the scene is much brighter.
The scene is bright and there is still some shadow detail in the fence in the left foreground.

1/160s f/9
The light is pretty 'white' with little or no shadows to be seen but plenty of contrast. There is less drama in the scene.


The sky is very bright.


The scene is beginning to get darker as the sun is lower in the horizon.  The sun can still be seen shining on the left hand side of the building.

The images are taking on a pale blue/violet hue probably due to the clouds.

With the sun below the horizon we are entering twilight and there is a dark and blue hue to the image. The light can no longer be seen shining on the building.

This exercise demonstrates the effect the light has on a particular scene.  The weather and time of year have greatly affected my ability to capture a clear sky and sun which would illustrate the changes and effect of the light moreso. 

However, in saying that it is clear that there is more drama in the images taken around the golden hours whereas the images during the day with the white light makes for a harsh scene especially when it is a landscape. 

My favourite would have to be the images taken around sunset and sunrise.

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