Wednesday 30 November 2011

Exercise: Cloudy weather and rain

For the first part of this exercise I had to photograph the same view in sunlight and under cloud with the white balance set to daylight.  

Sunny day - this imahge is warmer and the shadows and colours stronger

Cloudy and foggy morning

Sunny day

Cloudy day - I prefer this one as it makes the subject stand out more.

Sunny - all the shadows cast from the sunlight are clearer visible.

Cloudy day - this image is extremely flat in comparison and shows no movement.

For the second part of this exercise, I needed to take three images outdoors on a cloudy, overcast day.  This had to include something with strong colour. 

I like the green colour of the nettles in this shot.  It is very vibrant and strong.

The dark day brings out the best in these paving stones.  You can also see where they've been wet from some rain which adds more character to the shot.

Red berries for my strong colour.  Without direct or harsh sunlight we get a more even distribution of colour that is richer.

For part three, I needed rain and something to stop my camera from getting wet!  That's of course if the weather would provide some rain. I prepared rain kit for my camera bag with a see through shower cap that you get in hotels to protect my camera and hood to try and keep the rain off my lens. 

Two weeks in and still no rain. So here are some images I took a couple of months ago in the rain in London.  When it rains again I will add some more shots to this blog.  Or maybe even a separate blog dedicated to RAIN!

The colours in the rain are more vibrant.  Shutter speed is slowed down by the rain which can lead to some interesting shots like the bike and bus above. 

I also the way the rain hitting the puddles has been captured in the first image. 

Lots to explore with in the rain!

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