Friday 18 November 2011

Exercise: Judging colour temperature 2

For this exercise I have to decide what correction a scene needs. 

The first part of this exercise would have produced better images if I had changed the white balance to Shade for the one in the shade or maybe taken it on Auto to make a comparison. 

Likewise seeing as the subject was a person I would have looked at using auto for the image where the sun is low on the horizon.  However, if this was a landscape I would have preferred to keep the yellowish hues. 

To look at ways in which adjusting the white balance can correct the image I have taken these images again using a different subject using the following settings:
  • Direct sunlight
  • Shade
  • Auto
I used a white bear as the subject for these  first shots due to a lack of volunteers.  Plus the teddy bear works well for Moose's infamous teddy bear exposure compensation test. 

Direct light



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