Wednesday 16 November 2011

Exercise: Judging colour temperature 1

For this exercise I have to take 3 pictures of a friend in different daylight situations.  One in full sunlight during the middle of the day, one in shade during the middle of the day and one when the sun  is close to the horizon. 

For the best results I needed a clear day.  However, this is November and England and getting a day with any sunshine is a rare treat. 

All images were taken with the White Balance set to Daylight.

Full sunlight during the day
This image is very bright.   

Shade during the day
There is a blue hue to this image reflected from the light blue in the sky.  If the sky was bluer then this could be more noticeable.

Sun low in the horizon
The sun was not very bright for this shot but you can see a faint yellow hue in the shot. 

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