Monday 23 May 2011

The Frame. Exercise 5: Focal lengths with different viewpoints

This exercise explored the way in which different lenses give you different views and perspectives.

I had to take a picture of something with depth so I chose a building.  Then I had to take a shot of the building with my lens at its maximum focal length.  Then I had to walk towards the building and take a shot with the lens at its widest angle. 



When I got closer to the building I found that I got more of the lower part of the building too.  The perspective when up close shooting at a wide angle is very different to shooting further away using a telephoto.  The building shot at the wide angle looks taller and more imposing and slightly distorted.  The lower part of the image is much wider than the top part making the building look very pointed.

I also tried this exercise using a pylon to see what effect it would have.  The pylon shot at a wide angle looks taller and the perspective is also distorted. 

Shooting at a wide angle and up close would be useful if you are trying to exaggerate how tall your subject is.  I would also like to try this with a person as the subject.  All I have to do is find a willing model. 



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