Thursday 26 January 2012


Narrative is the way in which we tell a story using a set of pictures.  We could refer to this as a picture essay.

A narrative treatment suits subjects that are made up of several parts or events that have a sequence of how they occur.  This could be a wedding, a football match, a school play or the preparation of a meal.

Plotting the story is very important.
Take an event for example - when and where is it happening, what is the order of events, who is participating and what exactly are they doing and when.  If this is an event that occurs regularly you can do some research on the internet to see what images have been taken in the past.  Do a recce of the event and where it will take place.  Locate prime viewpoints for shooting. Check with the organisers about any restrictions. Is there a rehearsal? Can you go to it? List of potential shots.

Get variety in your shots.

  • Vertical and horizontal shots
  • Images taken at different scales from distant to close up
  • Use lenses of different focal length
  • Variety of colour, like including pictures that are mainly in a single colour
  • Variety of lighting

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