Wednesday 18 January 2012

Light - moving forward

This part of the course introduced me to working with photography at night or low light photography and working with artificial lighting. I think this introduction was a very brief one.  There is a lot more out there for me to learn.  

Whilst I'm not sure that working in a studio is for me I can say that I find the idea of it more interesting and appealing than before.  I still have a lot more to learn about light and I personally don't think I'd be fulfilled as a photographer if there was a big gap in my skill set.  This gap being the use of photographic lighting.  I think photographers encounter enough restrictions in their line of work without adding a self-imposed one to that list. 

The next model I will be signing up to on this degree course is People and Place and I feel being able to work better with all forms of light will be beneficial for me.  

I have been thinking about steps forward and these are some I could take:

  • Focus more on shooting with flash and look for ways in can enhance my photography
  • Enrol on a studio lighting course
  • Read more literature on the practical side of working with light
  • Take some time between this module and the next to dedicate some time solely to working with artificial light
  • Do more indoor shoots as opposed to relying on the great outdoors

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