Thursday 16 June 2011

Points. Exercise 1: Positioning a point

For this exercise I experimented with the different positions where you can position a point. 

There are 3 positions:
  • In the middle - although this produces a static image sometimes and in certain situations it can work
  • a little off centre - this makes the image a little more interesting
  • close to the edge

    The centre position would be very static if it wasn't for the fact that the subject is on a bike cycling through the frame.  If he was posing/stationary then it would look static.  
    Off centre
    This works well for the rabbit as he is just off centre and gives more of a sense of movement and sense of being as his position is closer to the edge of the frame.  
    Close to edge

    This position nearest to the edge and bottom corner of the frame gives the greatest sense of movement as it can be implied that the subject has just walked through the empty space in the left hand side of the frame.  You also get the sense of urgency as she is just about to walk out of the frame.  If she was positioned in the centre you would be unsure of her direction and whether or not she was posing for the shot which would have given a more staged feel to the shot.  
The following shows where the points lie in the frame.

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