Friday 10 June 2011

Part 2: Elements of design

Elements of design
Examining the basic elements of graphic design in photography. The objective of this part of the course is to be able to identify the the grahpic elements in the photograph, to assess the role they play and learn how to use them for structure and movement in composition.

Colour behaves differently so this section of the course will focus on points, lines and shapes.

For a subject to qualify as being a poiht it has to be small in the frame and contrast with its surroundings.  For example, a scene where the background is plain and even like a field and where the subject takes up just a fraction of that space. 

Situations where you could make a clear shot of a point include:
  • Boat out a sea where the sky and sea are even in colour giving you a plain background.
  • People.  A person in a field or in a vast open space. 
  • Buildings - in a field or open countryside.
  • Flowers - either one flower in a field or elements of the flower in macro photography.
  • Insects - on flowers or other open space.
  • Birds - in the sky etc
  • Lighting - just on a person's face in a darkly lit portrait type shot

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