Tuesday 17 April 2012

Exercise: Evidence of action

For this exercise I had to produce a photograph that shows something has happened. It was suggested that I include something that has been either broken or emptied.

As part of the exercise, I had to consider abstract ideas and concepts and how they need a more imaginative approach when it comes to a single visual image.  I then had to write down 5 examples of concepts that are regularly depicted in advertising and publicity which cannot be shown directly. These include:

  • Finance and banking - usually shows money, piggy banks, nest eggs, safe for to keep money secure, executive personnel etc
  • Education - can include swotty looking individuals with glasses, getting exam results looking happy, classroom scenarios, blackboards
  • Medical services - tablets, syringes, bandages, crutches, nurses, doctors, crosses 
  • Time - usually Tag Heuer and Rolex get sports people to don their watches as timing is everything in tennis and motor sports.  Sometimes see pilots too, navy personnel.  
  • Religion - crosses, rosary beads, various other symbols of the church like chalices, communion, pews, stained glass windows. 
 Evidence of something that has happened is by virtue a picture taken after an event. Here are some examples:

Here we can see the jar of coriander seeds has toppled over and the seeds have emptied over the work surface.

This is the cat's bowl after she has eaten some of her food.  

The above are very obvious.  When dealing with subjects that are not obvious or even abstract illustration opens up the imagination.  Abstract ideas and concepts need an imaginative treatment to be put across in a single photograph.  

Examples of this can be seen advertising.  

Below is an image that I took for another assignment which is also an abstract illustration.  


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