Thursday 15 September 2011

Exercise 2: Primary and secondary colours

This exercise is based on the colour wheel of primary colours - red, yellow, blue - and secondary colours - green, violet, orange.

Producing images that match these 6 colours closely is easier than it sounds.  Of course some colours are easier to get than others, but when you try and get those colours from natural sources and not man-made decorative surfaces. 

Here are my results:

Orange - Average
The most like orange on the wheel

Orange - 1/2 stop brighter

Orange - 1/2 stop darker

Green - Darker
Most like the green on the wheel

Green - Average

Green - 1/2 stop brighter

Yellow - 1/2 stop darker

Yellow - Average
Most like yellow on the wheel

Yellow - 1/2 stop brighter

Red - Average

Red - 1/2 stop brighter

Red - 1/2 stop darker
Most like red on the wheel

Blue - Average

Blue - 1/3 stop brighter

Blue - 1/3 stop darker
Closest to blue on the wheel

Violet - Average

Violet - 1/2 stop brighter

Violet - 1/2 stop darker
Closest to violet on the wheel

From this exercise I have learnt how exposure affects colour in my pictures.  Over-exposing images makes the colour brighter.  Under-exposing makes colours darker and more saturated. 

Yellow is an example from this because when it is darker is becomes a different colour - ochre.  

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