Thursday 14 July 2011

Shapes - Triangles

Shapes are outlines and enclosures.  They can be regular or irregular.  Regular shapes you will find play a stronger role in composition than irregular ones as they are easily identifiable.

Shapes can also be implied like lines. 

Lighting plays an important role in the way shapes are defined.  It strengthens shapes and silhouettes through backlighting hide details of the subject making the outline more dominant.

Triangles occur more frequently than any other shape.  They always have at least 2 diagonals which gives movement to your images. 

Two sides is enough sometimes to show/form a triangle. 

Perspective also plays a big role in triangles in photography.  The tendency of linear perspective is for the lines to converge on a vanishing point in the distance. 

We can look at real and implied triangles.  Real triangles being things that are actually triangular in shape and implied things that form a triangular shape.

In this exercise I was asked to take a series of real and implied triangles. 


Triangular subject

Triangle by perspective converging at top of frame

Triangle by perspective converging at bottom of frame


Triangular still life with apex at top

Triangular still life with apex at bottom

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